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Letter form Design Project

Letter form design project:

Date: 10/10/17

What is a letter form design?

A letter form design is a term used in typography, which mean a letter's shape.

What was your job as the designer?

My job as the designer was to use the elements of design, to create a unique color scheme, use different techniques, and to overall think outside the box.

What were some of the challenges you faced during this project?

Some of the challenges I faced during this project would be finding an original idea for my project.

Do you feel you successfully completed the project? Why or why not?

I feel that I have successfully completed the project because I have fulfilled the requirements and thought of creative ways of showing them.

If you can change something about the project what would it be and why?

One thing I would change about my project would be the bubble square because most people have similar ideas for that one.

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